[TriLUG] Label me stupid - undelete cmds?

bp bpevans at bellsouth.net
Thu Jan 2 09:43:30 EST 2003

bp wrote:

> While sorting a large set of files this morning I mindlessly did a \rm 
> -fr on the directory I had sorted. The 11GB of sorted files was 
> quickly reduced by 4GB ...<snip/>

Since I've been told this is out of Linux's hands please excuse the 
Windows question.

I now have a free undelete util that 'sees' all the erroronously deleted 
files on my drive.  Attempts at the 'undelete' function on these files 
render an error that basically says 'cluster in use'

In win2k computer management the volume says "active" which agrees w/ 
the error that Disk Investigator is throwing.  I've since rebooted the 
win2k box twice, ensured no programs exist on the disk in question 
(strictly an mp3 disk), changed the drive letter and it still labels 
it's self active.  Two other partions on this drive lack that  active label.

I even removed the drive letter and rebooted but it still says it's 
being used? (a w2k umount of sorts..)

Anyone with an idea on how to get Windows' hands off my drive so I can 
use this undelete gizmo?


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