[TriLUG] Apt-get for Red Hat and Mandrake problems with it?? from Lockergnome's PenguinShell

Michael Thompson thompson at easternrad.com
Tue Jan 21 11:06:21 EST 2003

I totally agree!  I've been using apt-get for RH8.0 and 7.3 for a little
while now and it is very nice!  I had never heard of synaptic before but
5 minutes after reading your post I was checking it out (after a quick
'apt-get install synaptic').  VERY nice!  This will definitely make
things much easier without using apt-cache and grepping for packages
that I'm looking for (which I thought was pretty nice at the time!)  I
would recommend this to anyone, especially a newbie who is having
troubles with rpm management....

Just my $.02


On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 21:48, al johnson wrote:
> We were talking about Apt on Red Hat today at the Crazy Fire restaurant, when 
> I came home and opened my mail from Lockergnome's Penguin Shell Newsletter. 
> Thought everyone would be interested in what they said about it. --Al Johnson
> ==========================================================
> Apt for Red Hat
>  I've written several times about the great apt tool for Debian. As our 
> current review distro, Libranet is a Debian-based distro, I provided a 
> summary of apt-get in the GnomeTWEAK section of Friday's Penguin Shell issue. 
> During the day on Friday, I received an email from Penguin Shell reader Romel 
> that really made my day:
>  Regarding 'Apt-getting' that you mentioned in the 1[7] Jan 2003 edition of 
> the Penguin Shell:
>  I recently discovered that apt has been ported over to Red Hat (versions 
> 6.2, 7.2, 7.3, and 8.0. I've only tried it out on 7.3 and 8.0 though, both 
> successfully). There's also a GUI front end called 'synAPTic' to make things 
> even easier.
>  I got so sick of hunting down rpm dependencies that I looked for apt for Red 
> Hat on a lark, and was pleasantly (ok, ecstatically) surprised to find it. 
> Yippee, no more hunting through rpmfind mirrors to find missing dependencies!
>  Apt and apt repositories can be found at the fine folks over at 
> freshrpms.net. 
>  Apt-get for Red Hat? I couldn't believe I'd missed it. Sure enough, the apt 
> rpm was sitting comfortably on the freshrpms site. Here's the process I went 
> through to make this great system functional in my Red Hat 8.0 system at home.
>  Start at this link to get the Red Hat apt package. The download link is in 
> the top part of the page, noted with a floppy disk icon.
>  Install the apt rpm as root using the normal rpm installation convention:
>  rpm -ivh /path/to/file/apt-0.5.4cnc9-fr1.i386.rpm
>  You'll also need the genaptrep.sh script from this page. This script sets up 
> your local apt repository. Change the permissions on this file to make it 
> executable:
>  chmod u+x path/to/file/genaptrep.sh
>  then run the script as root. At the completion of these two steps, you'll 
> have a working apt system and a local repository for apt/rpm files.
>  With the install working, two actions are in order. As root, enter the 
> following commands from a console window:
>  apt-get update
>  apt-get upgrade
>  These commands bring your local repository up to date and upgrade to the 
> newest version any packages installed on your system.
>  If you'd prefer to work with apt-get via a GUI tool, the next step is to 
> download and install the great synaptic package:
>  apt-get install synaptic
>  The above-noted Penguin Shell issue can serve as a guide for the basic usage 
> of apt-get in Red Hat.
>  I spent part of the weekend playing with apt-get in my Red Hat system and 
> found, to my pleasant surprise, that it works as well as in a Debian system. 
> It does seem a bit slower, but the functionality and ease is equal to that of 
> any Debian or Debian-based system.
>  In theory, this should work with any Red Hat-based system - that is, one 
> that uses RPM. I have, however, already heard of some difficulties with 
> Mandrake systems.
>  I have to admit that one of the greatest personal attractions to Debian and 
> Debian-like systems has been apt-get. With this capability available for Red 
> Hat, I've got one less reason to consider a change in distro on my primary 
> systems.
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