[TriLUG] POSTFIX: How to fix source seen as localhost.localdomain

Jason Tower jason at cerient.net
Thu Jan 30 13:11:41 EST 2003

a few observations that may or may not help:

1. myhostname and mydomain, by definition, should not be the same.  in your 
case i'd set the myhostname to be server.itchy.kicks-ass.org and the mydomain 
parameter will automatically be set as itchy.kicks-ass.org (hostname minus 
first component).  and myorigin should then be $mydomain.  

2. is it possible that postnuke is overriding your postfix settings?  i know 
that if i DON'T set the myorigin parameter in main.cf but DO set a domain 
name in my mail client, then outgoing mail works correctly.  perhaps the 
reverse is happening here?

3. does mail sent from a client like kmail or mozilla mail append the correct 
domain name, even if you don't set it in the client?


On Thursday 30 January 2003 11:32, bp wrote:
> In main.cf, I've set the following options:
>   myhostname = itchy.kicks-ass.org
>   mydomain = itchy.kicks-ass.org
>   myorigin = itchy.kicks-ass.org
> In /etc/hosts
>    localhost.localdomain is a middle alias, the first is my full domain
> name.
> /etc/sysconfig/network has no refs to localhost
> Mail sends just fine, and I recieve mail from the outside just fine.
> But some savvy mail servers like cox.net & unc.edu deny messages because
> they appear from root at localhost.localdomain and of course
> localhost.localdomain doesn't exist as their error message claims.   Any
> mail cmd messages or mail genereated from Postnuke behaves like this.
> Where do I fix it so that messages are written from
> root at itchy.kicks-ass.org?
> Thanks again,
> Barry
> - Google had me chasing my tail....
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