[Trilug-announce] [TriLUG] **Eric Raymond - Dinner/Meeting Info - TODAY!!
Lisa C. Boyd
lisab at trilug.org
Mon Feb 10 09:25:39 EST 2003
If you have not RSVP'd yet, RSVP to Tanner Lovelace by 1:00 pm today!
Email him at lovelace at trilug dot org.
In our never ending quest to ensure that none of our speakers ever speak
on an empty stomach (and since there will NOT be pizza as this meeting),
TriLUG will be taking Eric Raymond out to dinner previous to his talk.
We'd love for folks to join us! After much discussion, we've decided to
descend upon Elmo's Diner, which has the benefit of close proximity to
NCSSM (oh, and excellent food).
Place: Elmo's Dinner on 9th Street in Durham
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm (this is near the NCSSM Auditorium)
Menu: http://www.elmosdiner.com/ (Durham, not Carrboro)
Place: NCSSM Auditorium
Time: 7:00 pm
Directions: www.trilug.org
Subject: "Freedom, Power and Software: What the Internet teaches us
about ethics and politics."
**UNC Talk**
The UNC talk will be from 3:30 - 4:45 Monday afternoon at the Pleasant's
Family Room, Wilson Library. The subject of the talk will be "State of
the Open Source Union."
Campus Visitor Parking Map:
Both talks are public so help spread the word and feel free to attend
both if you can :)
Lisa Boyd
Outreach / Public Relations
Triangle Linux Group (TriLUG)
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