[TriLUG] Jack Valenti visit to Duke TODAY

Justin Moore justin at cs.duke.edu
Mon Feb 24 09:25:20 EST 2003

   This is the last announcement, I promise. :)

   Jack Valenti, the president of the Motion Picture Association of America
(MPAA), is giving a lecture at Duke TODAY, 2/24, at noon.  There will be a
brief Q&A session after the talk, so we'd like to present the other side of
the debate (politely) through that forum.

   If you'd like to help, meet in the lobby of the Law School at 11:40.  
Please go to


for a summary of our plan, and the list of questions we're planning to ask
him.  Directions to the law school can be found here


   I will have printouts of the questions, and we plan to give questions to
pairs of people (one to ask, one for "bounce-back" as described on my site).
Please, volunteer to ask a question to your friendly MPAA rep. :)

Hope to see lots of people there.

Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
Email:  justin at cs.duke.edu

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