[TriLUG] Consulting opportunity

Mike Johnson mike at enoch.org
Mon Mar 3 08:35:45 EST 2003

Reginald Reed [reginald at cisco.com] wrote:
> To help people determine whether or not they can help the customer, it
> would be nice to have at least a quick summary of at least what they
> think is going wrong.  Individuals could be consulting for several
> years, but it surely doesn't mean they know everything.

Well, I don't have that info.  Just a quick voice mail.  Mostly what I
was getting at was that someone needs to have experience with consulting
before, to be able to run with the contact info, get a quote to the
person interested, do the work, and arrange payment.

"If life hands you lemons, YOU BLOW THOSE LEMONS TO BITS WITH 

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