[TriLUG] [OT] Win2k boot problem
Ken Mink
kmtrilug at nc.rr.com
Sun Mar 23 01:41:47 EST 2003
Hey Ben,
The partitioning on both disks is the same. Windows is and was on
/dev/hda1. Both hda1's are the same size and the first partition on the
disk. I did the original Win2k install on FAT32. I wanted to be able
access the Windows partitions read/write from Linux. The partition is
bootable. I'm stumped.
On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 00:55, Ben Pitzer wrote:
> Ken,
> Where is the partition on the disk? Windows likes to be up front on the
> disk, I know. Also, did you have that Win2k install on FAT32 on your old
> disk? Typically, Win2k uses NTFS partitions, so you likely should have done
> the copy to an NTFS partition. Finally, make sure your grub config is
> pointing to the correct partition for the Win2k install, and not where it
> lived on the old disk. If the partition names changed (for example, due to
> some partitioning fun, you had the old disk sliced up as /dev/hda1 (Linux),
> /dev/hda2 (Linux swap), and /dev/hda3 (win2k) and now it's /dev/hda1 (linux)
> and /dev/hda2 (win2k) with /dev/hda3 as swap) that could be part of your
> issue. Also, make sure the new Win2k partition is bootable.
> I've only done one dual boot install before, so everyone please chip in to
> say where I've either messed up or missed something.
> Regards,
> Ben Pitzer
> ---------------------------------------------
> "Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety
> deserve neither liberty nor safety."
> --Ben Franklin--
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: trilug-admin at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-admin at trilug.org]On Behalf
> > Of Ken Mink
> > Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 10:21 PM
> > To: trilug at trilug.org
> > Subject: [TriLUG] [OT] Win2k boot problem
> >
> >
> > Yes, I'm asking a Windows question to a LUG, but there are plenty of
> > folks here that deal with both sides of the force. Also, my problem
> > involves Linux, sort of.
> >
> > I upgraded the HD on my dual boot(win2k/rh8) desktop. See, it involves
> > Linux. I did a file based copy of each partition from the old drive to
> > the new one. Everything copied fine and once I got grub installed, RH8
> > has been running fine. Today I tried to boot to win2k and got a message
> > that it was an invalid system disk. I think all of the win2k files are
> > there and on the same partition (hda1) that win2k was on before the
> > transfer. It's a FAT32 partition. I'm pretty sure I need the Win2k
> > equivalent of 'SYS C:' or maybe 'FORMAT /MBR'. More likely the former. I
> > can get the repair console up on the non-booting installation, but I'm
> > M$ clueless. I have no idea what to do once I'm at the command line. Any
> > ideas?
> >
> > Oh yeah. I can't go back to the original drive. It's already in my MAC
> > and reformatted.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ken
> >
> >
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