[TriLUG] Report on spam -- most comes from putting your e-mail address onweb sites

John Beimler john at radiomind.com
Fri Mar 28 17:33:14 EST 2003

Jim Ray wrote:

>Good stuff.  I'm also thinking about a 3 way handshake for email.
nothing personal, but thats a piss poor idea, unless you only want to 
get email from people who are willing to spend the time on that.  I've 
hit a couple people whom I was trying to help out who had a challenge 
system.  I deleted the challenge, and ignored them.  I don't have time 
to respond to bots or click on unsolicited links.  In fact heres my 
handy procmail rule so that I don't even see them any more:

* ^X-Delivery-Agent: TMDA

Use spamassasin, making someone do work to be sure you don't get spam 
isn't a good idea.



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