[TriLUG] Interesting article: Ellison: Linux will wipe Microsoft out of the data center

Chris Hedemark chrish at trilug.org
Thu Apr 3 10:48:02 EST 2003

On Thursday, April 3, 2003, at 09:55 AM, John Beimler wrote:

> The other thing to mention is the buzz around mySql. It doesn't have 
> all the things that PostgreSQL or Oracle has, but its "good enough" 
> for a lot of applications. Oracle even provides an "upsizing" tool to 
> migrate from mySql to Oracle these days.

Our guys have collectively turned their noses up at MySQL after trying 
it on one production application.  Some of the standard features they 
expected from an RDBMS were not there, and they had to do messy SQL to 
get around it.  Don't shoot the messenger.  I don't think MySQL is a 
serious threat to Oracle, or at least it won't be in the next 5 years.  
PostgreSQL isn't as fast for us as Oracle on the same hardware, but the 
money saved can justify faster hardware (and a lot of change left 
over).  The feature set is there, the scalability is there.


"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the 
homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of 
totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?" - Mahatma 

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