[TriLUG] need to rein in WinXP

Heath bluetea at nc.rr.com
Thu Apr 3 18:22:25 EST 2003

On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 10:03:08AM +0000, Chip Davis wrote:
> I just bought a new ThinkPad T30 which came with WindowsXP Pro installed.
> Before I can install any OSes I trust (OS/2 Warp/EcomStation, RHL 9) I
> need to curb XP's hegemony over the 60G disk.  The whole damn thing is
> formatted as an NTFS C: drive.  XP doesn't take up but 5G (does MVS need
> that much DASD space these days?) but then there's that peculiar matter
> of the hidden "recovery partition".  

I agree with what some others have said. PM is definitely the way to go.
It's not that expensive either.

Also, in addition to the "recovery partition", the T30 has a special
partition that is used by the suspend to disk function. I'm not sure if
PM can handle that partition (I tend to doubt it actually), but suspend to 
disk does work under Linux and there is a tool that can recreate the partition
if you leave enough free space on the disk (approx. same amount as installed 
RAM). I have a link to the tool and the info about using under Linux somewhere.
Drop me an email if you need it and I will dig it up.

Have fun with your T30. I've got one and it's a fantastic machine.


Heath Holcomb
bluetea at nc.rr.com

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