[TriLUG] running out of disk space?

John Beimler john at radiomind.com
Wed Apr 9 11:35:21 EDT 2003

mike wrote:

>Does it make a difference?
>>>[mike at REDHAT1 mike]$ df
>>>Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>>>/dev/hda5               507588    137384    343998  29% /
>>>/dev/hda1                99043     14211     79718  16% /boot
>>>/dev/hda3             15248132     45876  14427684   1% /home
>>>none                    127704         0    127704   0% /dev/shm
>>>/dev/hda2             41696160   3201348  36376752   9% /usr
>>>/dev/hda6              1031800    129788    849600  14% /var
>>>/dev/fd0                  1423         8      1416   1% /mnt/floppy
>>>[mike at REDHAT1 mike]$
>>>I would appreciate any help that could be offered.  The ISO I was
>>>downloading is <680 meg of course, and I seem to have well over 14 gig
>>>for my home directory.

My guess is that you're using Mozilla, which uses /tmp to store the part 
or all of the file. I can't find reference on mozilla.org and don't have 
time to poke through the source.

A better bet would be to right click on the URL, copy link location, 
then in the correct directory, run:

$ wget <pasted-url>

Always keep note of were /tmp is, and how much space is there, you can 
end up screwing things up pretty bad if you're not careful.  Especially 
if you're using tempfs.



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