[TriLUG] cdrecord & cpu usage

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Tue Apr 22 12:04:57 EDT 2003

On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 10:00:59AM -0400, zzd wrote:
> When burning ISO images to cdrom, I find that I am totally unable to do 
> anything else during the burn process, including move the mouse or 
> change to alternate windows. I like to use Eclipt which is a good GUI 
> front end to cdrecord, and when I use the top command, it shows 
> cdrecord at over 40% cpu.
> So, how do I (re)nice the cdrecord command to use less CPU, so that I am 
> at least able to read/write emails while at the same time, burning a 
> CDROM? I tried "nice --adjustment=10", but this did me no good. The 
> whole nice thing is a bit confusing. Any help/direction appreciated.

Renicing is a fine line to walk in this case because nicing it negative
(relative to your current nice level) would give you worse interactive
feel, but renicing it positive could adversely affect the burn. Could
you give us more info on the hardware (particularly the HD(s) + CDRW)
config in terms of IDE/ATAPI and master/slave (if IDE)?

ide-scsi is recommended under 2.4; under current 2.5 and cdrecord 2.x,
ide-cd is recommended (using the dev=ATAPI param). This of course
assumes you have an ATAPI CDRW...


Dan Chen                crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
GPG key: www.unc.edu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc

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