[TriLUG] Config Kudzu??

David A. Cafaro dac at cafaro.net
Thu May 1 09:27:01 EDT 2003

Thanks, unfortunately that turns it all off (instead of just the couple
of hardware items I want ignored), and I couldn't find anything in the
man file for what I was looking for.  Also no luck on google yet
either..  Thanks.


On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 04:56, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 April 2003 08:0620pm, David A. Cafaro wrote:
> > I wanted to see if anyone knew of a way to tell kudzu (redhat9) not
> > to try and remove missing hardware?  I know I can disable it from
> > running during init but I wouldn't mind having it run for some
> > hardware changes that do occur.  Basically I have a Dell c610 laptop
> > that I use with a docking station.  When I un-dock I loose the extra
> > ethernet port and two usb ports that kudzu tries to remove.  I don't
> > need it too, because the laptop works perfectly fine without removing
> > those extras.  And I don't want to have to reinstall every time I
> > re-dock.  Thanks for any help.
> chkconfig --level 123456 kudzu off
> chkconfig --help
> man chkconfg
> alut,
> Sinner

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