[TriLUG] OT: legacy 16bit DOS programs on Win2k

Michael Thompson thompson at easternrad.com
Thu May 1 13:00:47 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 11:44, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:
> A Linux | GNU/Linux | FreeSoftware | OpenSource | comunity.
> What about the baritone singers comunity of central carolina?  What about the 
> 'Canes Fans comunity? What about...?
> There has to be a limit somewhere. My opinion is "Windows2k" is beyond the 
> limit .

There have been many OS X questions on this list as well:

Apple may have embraced open-source to inflate their bottom line, but I 
would hardly consider them champions of the FreeSoftware | OpenSource | comunity.
If they were, they would not embrace the DMCA as they do.  Wouldn't that make
them at the same level of 'Off Topic' as any Microsoft question?  I'm really 
just playing devil's advocate but it would seem to me that the obvious bias
against M$illy products should also apply to Apple'$ products as well.  After
all, O$ X is NOT free software, or even open-source.  I'd say they'd both be 
over the limit if there should be one.  (This is not a M$ endorsement, AFAIC
they both suck.  Apple is just allowed to suck because they are so 'little'.)

Lighten up $inner.  OT: is ok, and seems to get more response than most
other messages, oddly enough.  (Especially if the subject happens to be 
Monty Python quotes.)

I'm sure Ryan never expected the Spanish inquisition.  Of course,
"Noooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!"

Everyone have a great day!


P$: You shouldn't really lighten up, I kinda like a good flame war every
now and again!

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