[TriLUG] Re: [OT] propane BBQs by my Window

That One Guy trilug at ichi.net
Fri May 9 14:22:45 EDT 2003

On Friday 09 May 2003 01:43 pm, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:
> As far as I know, SSH is a proprietary solution. OpenSSH, on the other
> hand, is an OpenSource solution. And Windows is not OpenSource.

The two solutions listed the original "SSHD on Windows" posting were open 
source pieces of software.  Nowhere in that posting did it list a 
non-opensource solution, nor did the poster ask for one.

> For myself, my eyes flip everytime I see here a post about Windows in this
> list. I guess by now most of the people in the list are grown up enough and
> can see that mixing Windows and Linux is a sure way to build angriness in
> some people.

Seems a bit of an aggressive posture.  It seems as though the problem here is 
not whether the subject matter is about open source or not.  The mark here 
seems to be if a search for "Windows" or "Mircrosoft" in a posting comes up 
positive then it is celebrity death match time.   

Does the group really want to portray a "We're right, Windows is wrong, Case 
closed, come to the LUG meeting" mentality?
> Windows has its place. Linux has its place.

Let's have separate dining areas and restrooms too!

> What happens when somebody gives a presentation at TriLUG with a Windows
> laptop? Wooing, finger-pointing, general laughter, shouts of "use a real
> OS!" and all this stuff. That's my experience in the last 2+ years at
> TriLUG meetings.

Right.  Now, that is a bit different from the Linux is right, Windows is 
wrong, stay off my list mentality.  To me, a more apples to apples analogy 
would be if they should have been asked (seriously) to leave the room and not 
give a presentation with the Windows laptop.  

Inter-OS rivalries are one thing, the attitude here seems to be something 
more, something deeper.

> Have you ever tried to ask a Linux question on a Windows list? You haven't?
> Why? Exactly. You know that it doesn't belong there. You know that you will
> be scorned, flammed and called names. At least. Because "Linux is the
> enemy".

Why don't real firefighters just use flame throwers?  Oh, I know.  Because 
it's not quite as effective.

> Examine yourselves, do not try to find "the opensource trail" in
> unappropriated questions, because OpenSource is everywhere: Windows use(d)
> the TCP/IP stack from BSD, so we could argue that anything related to
> Windows is fair game, as Windows uses OpenSource code.

Just examine the messages for the words "Windows" and/or "Mircosoft".  
Admonish once, and then drop repeat offenders from the list.  Hey, sounds 
like a job for procmail and an opportunity to have a great new script/tool 
put up on Freshmeat!

> I switched to Linux because I do not like the Windows way, its philosophy,
> it's abusive licenses... The last thing I expect while on a Linux group is
> Windows discussion.

Bummer.  Life is heterogeneous.

> In short: I guess we need to enhance the point 3.4 on
> http://www.trilug.org/faq/TriLUG-faq-3.html#ss3.4

Automation is the key.  Freshmeat here someone comes!


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