[TriLUG] stuck on samba install

Kevin Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Sat May 10 08:17:43 EDT 2003

On Sat, May 10, 2003 at 08:45:29AM -0400, Jim spoke thusly:
> Well if I'm going to reinstall it WON'T be Red Had.  I'm already
> getting tired of filling out the 'confirmation' surveys to continue to
> use the up2date features.  Even Micro$oft hassles me less about
> updates.

There are alternatives :
1) $60. That's one year of RHN w/out surveys
2) don't use up2date

Now, as a Red Hat employee, I'd love for more people to pay the $60,
sine it'll help us keep the servers running, and the updates
flowing. but you could also use apt4rpm, yum, autoupdate, and/or a host
of other management programs with your Red Hat Linux installations.

--         Kevin Sonney         --
--  ICQ: 4855069  AIM: ksonney  --
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 "Excellent. Let's ride." -- "Fear and Toothgnip...", Goats 10/11/99
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