[TriLUG] Nifty procmail trick for today

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Mon May 19 10:39:12 EDT 2003

On Mon, 19 May 2003, Jason White wrote:

> I started off with SpamAssassin (SA), but I agree with Mark -- I didn't
> like all the internal/external stuff.  But, the biggest problem I had
> with SA was that it thrashed my mail server when a message came in with
> a 20MB attachment.  I know there is probably some configuration changes
> you can make to force SA not to search through attachments, but I didn't
> keep it long enough to find out.

A common thing is to use procmail to make sure that SA doesn't filter 
messages over a certain size.   For example, this rule will skip anything 
over 250 K:
	* < 256000
	| /usr/bin/spamc
[assuming you're using spamc/spamd]

You can also give spamc a "-s" option with the size factor.  Both of these 
options are mentioned in the spamassassin documentation, FYI.

Also, regarding the external SA tests:  I have none of these enabled, not 
even the DNS tests.  It still works quite well with the static rules and 
the Bayesian filters.  I get about 75-100 spams a day and only about 2-3 
get through.  I really need to get around to enabling the external tests 
to see if I can improve that even further.


|  Jeremy Portzer	jeremyp at pobox.com	trilug.org/~jeremy     |
|  GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |

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