[TriLUG] Re: Debian installation.

Joshua Bedick jbedick at gratedtech.com
Thu May 22 16:15:08 EDT 2003

I thought I'd pipe in here as well.  I've been reading this list for about
two months or so without comment, but I wanted to say Bill's comments are
right on.  I too had the frame buffer problem and ran into many of the same
issues when I compared it to a Redhat or Mandrake install.  I currently have
RH 7.3,  Mandrake ? (8 maybe, how do you check the version number?), and
Woody 3r0 running beside various windows machines.  I ran into a lot of
problems with Woody because of my own inexperience.  It's nice to see
someone with a bit more has had problems also.  On the plus side, everything
that I got to work in debian works well and I was able to keep the number of
services (oops daemons) and hence the CPU/memory drain very low.

As for Mandrake and Redhat I like both of them and am finding it hard to
have a favorite distro.  They're just slightly different tools, like regular
and needle nose pliers.  You can do without one, but you're better off if
you have both.

Joshua Bedick

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