[TriLUG] Debian operaton.

Neil Roeth neil at occamsrazor.net
Tue May 27 21:46:36 EDT 2003

On May 26, Bill Gooding (bgood210 at yahoo.com) wrote:
 > >> My problem is merely with the terminology.
 > >> If someone using Redhat 8.0 told you he "upgraded" his system,
 > >> wouldn't you think he meant that he is now running Redhat 9.0 ?  I
 > >> would think that.  But if he told me he "updated" his system, I would
 > >> think he got the most recent version of Redhat 8.0.  This is not how
 > >> Debian apt-get is, so be careful.
 > > As the saying goes, this is well known to those who
 > > know it well :-) I personally don't find the
 > > terminology confusing, but I admit to an ever so
 > > slight bias.
 > I'll stick with my original argument on this one. 
 > Your tautology is well taken though.  We can agree to
 > disagree.  It may be that after using Debian for a
 > little while I may interalize their terms and wonder
 > how anyone would think any different.  Of course, all
 > someone would have to do is dig up my original post
 > and embarass me if I harassed them on the point :-)

I actually _agree_ with you about the terminology; I see your point
about how it might be confusing.  Like most Linux things, there's a
nontrivial learning curve, so what is second nature to an experienced
Debianite is not necessarily clear to a neophyte.  I doubt the
terminology will change anytime soon, though, so you'll probably just
have to grin and bear it!  :-)

BTW, the "slight bias" comment is facetious - I've been using Debian for
years, and I maintain a few Debian packages.

 > > If you have all three versions in your sources.list, you need to be
 > > careful.  Mixing stable, testing and unstable packages on your system is
 > > like installing RH7.1, RH8.0 and RH9.0 to run simultaneously in the same
 > > filesystem.  You'll eventually run into a situation where a simple
 > > "apt-get install foo" will try to install dozens of other packages, due
 > > to the extensive dependency information that makes Debian so great.
 > > Even though Debian is generally rock solid, it is Linux, so it will let
 > > you shoot yourself in the foot if you work hard enough to do so.  You
 > > are sometime better off downloading the source from testing or unstable
 > > and compiling it in the stable environment.  With your setup, that would
 > > require the command "apt-get --compile source foo", perhaps with some
 > > qualifier to tell it which version of foo to get.
 > I am just posting Neil's comments on this.  He is
 > completely right here, and my method is wrong.  I am
 > just going to elaborate a little on what he said
 > describing what I think is an accurate view of the
 > reasons for this.  In the Debian binary packages, they
 > seem to create alot of dependencies.  In particular,
 > the binary package depends on the software used to
 > compile it among other things.  I kind of implicitly
 > thought that the dependencies would only be those
 > necessary to run the software not the systems it was
 > actually compiled on.  I figure that most compiled
 > programs will run OK on different systems.  I don't
 > think they are that different.  Most programs for
 > Linux are C and I would think a C program compiled on
 > Debian 2.0 would run on Debian 3.0.  And I thought
 > that they would express this in the dependencies.  But
 > what they seem to do is express the dependency based
 > on how they actually compile not where it might
 > actually run.

There are two kinds of dependencies: dependencies and build
dependencies.  The former is what you thought it was: what is required
to run the package; the latter is what is required to build it.  A C
program compiled on sid will run on woody, but it may depend on a set of
newer shared libraries, so when you install the package, it will install
all of the newer libraries, too.  Installing some package foo which uses
Perl/Tk might install a newer version of Perl, a newer version of Tk,
and newer versions of the libraries those depend on, etc.  This is a
Good Thing in that it means you will not encounter a failure running foo
because of a missing library or other package, but it means that you
potentially have to install a lot of prerequisite packages.

 > So for operating Debian, Neil is completely right.  In
 > general if you are running version K of Debian, only
 > get binaries for version K+1.  So for example if you
 > are running Debian 2.0 (potato), have binary package
 > entries for 3.0 (woody).  If you want a more recent
 > package say from 5.0 (sid), compile it from sources,
 > and it will most likely work unless they are using
 > some new feature.  Then you would just be out of luck
 > or you could manipulate the source code/fix the
 > problem.  If you want to be extra safe about the
 > distribution you are running, you could also just
 > compile from all packages not in your current
 > distribution (i.e. just have sources.list entries for
 > version K of Debian)
 > The original reason I wanted to run the system like I
 > suggested was just to get bleeding edge copies of some
 > of the software I commonly use.  I was going to keep
 > the system at woody (3.0), and download sid (5.0)
 > binaries.  Doing this did what Neil said it would.  He
 > was about a day late in stopping me from shooting
 > myself in the foot :-).  But seriously, it really
 > wasn't that bad or anything.  But now I am running
 > testing/unstable as opposed to all three.  

What you were attempting is possible, up to a point, but as you found
out, you eventually have a system that requires as much or more work to
maintain than a pure sid (unstable) system.  So, you might as well run
unstable.  (Sorry about being a day late!)

 > Another thing I noticed was that after upgrading to
 > testing, I did apt-show-versions and some of the
 > packages were still marked stable.  I think it's just
 > that some packages don't change and keep their
 > original markings.  I am not going to worry too much
 > about that.  And I checked the package archive and
 > what I have matches what they have (at least for a
 > sampling of the packages).  BTW, if you are using
 > Debian, the package archive is a very useful tool -
 > http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages.  It tells you
 > the packages available and it also has a method to
 > tell you what files are owned by what packages.  I'm
 > sure you can do this in apt too, but sometimes a
 > package might refer to a file that you don't know
 > about.  The internet package site is very conveinent
 > for figuring out these things (if you made the mistake
 > I did).

That's a good suggestion.  I would also suggest using apt-cache, e.g.,
"apt-cache search foo" to find all packages that have something to do
with foo.  This uses information downloaded by the apt-get update
command, so it can be done offline.  It will not give you all the
information that you can get from the web page, but it suffices in many

 > Too bad I can't change my original post.

It was excellent, I'm glad you posted it.

Neil Roeth

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