[TriLUG] Ham Operator Survey

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at trilug.org
Fri Jun 6 11:55:41 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 11:18, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm kind of curious as to how many ham radio operators we have in
> TriLUG.  I'd like to take an informal survey.  If you have a ham
> radio license, could you e-mail me directly (off-list) with your
> callsign and what license you have (tech, general, extra, etc..)?
> I'll gather the results and post the summary if people are interested.

Hi folks,

I got some interesting responses back from my query.  It looks
like we have at least 11 licensed ham radio operators in the group.
They would be the following:

 Name              Callsign          License Class
 ----------------- ---------         --------------
 Tanner Lovelace   KB4TYE            Extra            
 Al Johnson        KQ4FP             Extra            
 Errol Casey       KD4IHW            Extra            
 Dr. David Johnson WA4NID            Extra            
 Ronald H. Evans   K4KTB             Extra            
 William Schulz    NU9Z              Extra            
 Neil Little       WA4AZL            Advanced         
 Kevin Otte        N8VNR             General          
 Jim Thompson      KI4AIV            Technician       
 Mark Turner       N4JMT             Technician       
 Scott Morris      KG4ZYA            Technician    

We also have around 10 people who expressed interest in learning
more about ham radio (and how to use linux with it, of course :-).
That's almost enough to put together a license class.  So, would
anyone be interested in doing that?  If so, would a weekend class
be better or would a couple of hours some evening for several weeks   
be preferable to people?  As usual, please e-mail me *off-list*
to respond to that.

Tanner Lovelace |  lovelace(at)trilug.org  | http://www.trilug.org/
GPG Fingerprint = A66C 8660 924F 5F8C 71DA  BDD0 CE09 4F8E DE76 39D4
GPG Key can be found at http://wtl.wayfarer.org/lovelace.gpg.asc
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2. The past always tries to control the creativity that builds upon it.
3. Free societies enable the future by limiting this power of the past.
4. Ours is less and less a free society.

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