[TriLUG] Re: PCI Wireless card

James Manning jmm at sublogic.com
Thu Jun 26 22:59:05 EDT 2003

> [Roy Vestal]
> I am wanting to add a desktop to my network. I have wireless and I don't
> want to run a wire. Has anyone had experience with Wireless PCI cards
> under linux? Any recommendations?

i used a pcmcia-pci bridge and an orinoco card a couple years back -
worked fine except pcmcia wasn't SMP-happy so I had to run my BP6
dual celery with a UP kernel, but otherwise worked like a champ.
I've heard things are much better for SMP pcmcia these days, but I
haven't had a need to try it out lately.

I like pcmcia wireless cards and bridges mainly because I can take the
card to a laptop if I choose to, whereas dedicated cards don't give
that flexibility.  Not sure what the price comparisons are like these
days, though :)
James Manning <http://www.sublogic.com/james/>
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