[TriLUG] Linux Certifications?

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Thu Jul 17 13:55:08 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 21:05, prhodes at vdsinc.com wrote:

> How much credibility / recognition do the various certifications have?
> I would think that again, RHCE would be the benchmark... true / false?
> How do the others compare to RHCE?
> Also, FWIW, I'm thinking about the possibility (depending on the answers
> I get to this message!) of pursuing a Linux cert.  I know I'm nowhere near
> ready for the RHCE, so I'm thinking about maybe the Linux+ (presuming
> it's a little easier than RHCE). If not Linux+, maybe on of the others...
> Anyway, I was wondering if anybody else would be interested in getting
> a study group together to work on one of the other certs.  I know that a
> bunch
> of Tri-LUG'ers just finished up a RHCE study group, so I'm thinking maybe
> we have a batch of people like myself.. know some linux, but nowhere
> near enough for RHCE, that might want to study together for one of the
> "lesser" certs.

I have a study guide for the Linux+ certification (which you're welcome
to borrow if you want).  I was unimpressed with it -- it seemed to be
really basic.  In many cases the practice questions seemd to be very
ambigious or just plain wrong, too -- but that may have been my book's
fault and not representative of the test itself.   The test is soley
multiple choice and doesn't demonstrate any hands-on profiency.  I
decided that it wasn't worth the $99 (or whatever) and instead chose the
RHCT as an entry-level certification. Sure, the RHCT is more expensive
at $349, but it shows you have the real hands-on experience.

I'm not sure that the Linux+ has a lot of credibility, but I'm not
really involved in hiring or anything where I'd know for sure.  The RHCT
hasn't been around that long but hopefully gains some credibility as a
lesser version of the RHCE.

You're welcome to join the RHCE study group list too, or come to the
meetings, even if you don't think you're quite ready for it.  You can
lurk and ask questions and hopefully learn from it.

Related to this:  I'll be taking the RHCE on Friday, August 29.  If
there are any other people who are interested in taking it on that date,
please reply off-list and let me know.  It would be nice to all go to
the test together, get dinner afterwards, etc.  


| Jeremy Portzer       jeremyp at pobox.com       trilug.org/~jeremy     |
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