[TriLUG] Announcement: New NCSU Linux Users Group Forming

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Thu Jul 31 11:19:52 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 09:50, Chris Merrill wrote:
> Jon Carnes wrote:
> > Sounds more like an "anti-group" than a pro-interest group.  You might
> > want to work on your charter a little and make it more positive. "The
> > enemy of my enemy" works fine for awhile, but unless you have some
> > positive goals you are not going to grow or maintain membership.
> Might be just the _right_ tone to interest those users who hate the
> command line and are scared of unix.  Undoubtably the linux gurus will
> be put-off...but that may match quite nicely with the goals of the group.

Yeah, the wording of Ilan's announcement could have been a bit more
engaging.  ;-)

But seriously, theres a very beginner-oriented Linux group in the
greater Denver area called "Linux Fun-da-mentals":


and I strongly suggest that you (esp. Ilan) take a look at their
announcements or even get in touch with them.  They're a very friendly
and helpful bunch.  Which is cool since a positive attitude seems to be
one of the biggest resources you'll want to draw upon when dealing with
a room full of beginners.

Oh, and did I mention that they're fun?  Yes?  Good.  ;-)

I attended one of the Fun-da-mentals meetings back in early May and the
wrap-up discussion really drove home (for me, anyway) how many
non-techie folks are actually starting to use Linux.  Its kinda scary
but also a sign of maturity.  And these folks want help with the
*basics* and are totally unwilling to use command lines.  Fine.  If
thats what they demand, thats what they'll get.  For *some* of them, 
the functionality and interfaces in recent Linux distros will meet
virtually all their needs.

Its only a trickle now but brace yourselves for what may become a flood
as employers start converting office machines and people take work home.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Room 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
            Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
email:   eh3 at mit.edu,  ed at eh3.com
URL:     http://web.mit.edu/eh3/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464
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