[TriLUG] Announcement: New NCSU Linux Users Group Forming

Heavlin, Lee LHeavlin at pbmgraphics.com
Thu Jul 31 11:26:11 EDT 2003

I concur in your observation.  I support 250 Windows desktops and want to
move them to Linux.  But, before I can do this I have to find a way to make
the desktop easy for users.  I migrated my company from DOS to Windows.  The
desktop interface made the conversion easier.  Windows is what make M$ take
off.  I write documentation, but many users are "visual" and want no part of
a command line. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bullock [mailto:cgbullock at cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 9:47 AM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Announcement: New NCSU Linux Users Group Forming

Some of his guidelines are fairly harsh, but I feel that this is what 
true beginners need.  I from personal experience have received the RTFM 
one liner as a reply to a newbie question that I have had.  Also, some 
people in this group are very hasty in making a person frustrated by 
offering off base solutions to a very simple problem.  As more features 
are being added to Linux daily there will be no need for manual editing 
of conf files or command line commands.  He stated that this was for 
desktop users.  If Linux wants to go main stream this is the site for 
them.  Once everything can be done in the GUI or by clicking an icon, 
you will see Linux explode as a desktop OS.  I dont know exactly what 
the criteria is for being a member but I hope I fall into it.

my $.02

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