[TriLUG] file and directory count

Jason Tower jason at cerient.net
Thu Jul 31 16:28:02 EDT 2003

ll|wc -l

On Thursday 31 July 2003 16:23, JoJo Almario wrote:
> I have a newbie question.  Is there a command (like du -, or ls-  ) that
> will give me a file and directory count?  like how many files and
> directories under /home/users without having to count them one by one
> after doing a "du" or an "ls" or "ll -a" command?
> --
> JoJo Almario
> Systems Administrator
> Intrahealth International inc.
> Office - 919-843-5145
> Fax    - 919-966-6816
> jalmario at intrahealth.org

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