[TriLUG] Announcement: New NCSU Linux Users Group Forming

Ben Pitzer uncleben at mindspring.com
Fri Aug 1 16:41:03 EDT 2003


This is interesting to me.  For a while now, it's been apparent to me that
TriLUG is a very rough mix of end user and enterprise level discussions,
demonstrations, and interest in Linux.  Your idea for an end user,
graphics-based distro support and interest group is great for some users.
Personally, it's not something that I either need, nor want, but I'm sure
there are plenty of folks out there who would be interested.

This does bring me, however to one thing that I've been thinking about for a
while.  How do or can we as a LUG promote the use of Linux in business and
enterprise roles?  We all know that it's a powerful server tool, and that
for reliability, security, and robustness in certain applications, it easily
rivals Sun or HP Unix solutions, not to mention Windows solutions.  I think
that DNS, web, and (some) database services are good examples.  Mail is a
less definite, as it depends entirely on scale.  Linux clustering, however,
is not necessarily up to the measure of some Unix platforms in terms of
software failover capabilities, among some other faults.  It does seem to be
getting better by leaps and bounds, though.  How about RAID?  What RAID
management tools are out there for Linux?  We talk alot about replacing MS
SQL, Outlook, Exchange, and other applications and servers, but how about
things like Sun Raid Manager for external arrays?  How about big software
vendors porting their software to Linux?  Cisco, IBM, Veritas, Oracle (whom
we did hear from), HP, etc.?  These are the sorts of things that I'm
interested in.  Is there anyone else out there who would like to hear more
about Linux in the enterprise?

Ben Pitzer


"Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
 --Ben Franklin--

> -----Original Message-----
> From: trilug-admin at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-admin at trilug.org]On Behalf
> Of Ilan Volow
> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 11:29 AM
> To: trilug at trilug.org
> Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Announcement: New NCSU Linux Users Group Forming
> [enable tact chip]
> First of all, I want to say I appreciate the positive responses I've
> received so far about my idea of NOSUL, both on the list and off in
> private e-mails.
> Some important issues were brought up by all these different responses
> that, in a day or two, I'll address in one big generalized e-mail that
> deals with those issues. I think that in addition to addressing these
> issues that were brought up, I will also need to explain in the e-mail
> I'm writing the background where I'm coming from, as well as explain
> why many of the things I say and believe and do regarding linux in a
> desktop environment contradict with one another (contradicting to the
> point where it's hard to tell whether I'm promoting linux on the
> desktop or condemning it). I want to be as clear and as honest as
> possible about things, so I don't mislead any one into anything or have
> the things I say and do be  misinterpreted in any way. To do this will
> require I spend more time writing my response than I usually do.
> So the answers are: no, I haven't been hit by a bus, and yes, I am
> still following the discussion.
> In the next several days I'll be setting up a mailing list, and from
> then on any discussion of NOSUL activities can take place there.
> --Ilan
> --
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