[TriLUG] Webalizer followup

Chris Merrill cmerrill at nc.rr.com
Mon Aug 4 15:49:49 EDT 2003

Last week somebody recommended webalizer for simple log analysis...I
wanted to thank that person - since it was already installed with RH9,
all I had to do was create a 'usage' folder under /var/www/html for
the web pages and it automagically started working!

I was planning to ask this followup question:
"Once a time period has been analyzed, do I need to keep the corresponding
  log files?  Can I remove them, or does webalizer analyze the entire set
  of log files each time?"

I didn't really want to RTFM, but figured I should at least RTFFAQ and
RTFreadme...they partially answered my question:

"Since Webalizer 1.2, it supports 'incremental' processing of data to
  process only parts of a logfile at a time."  (paraphrased)

However, further reading indicates that this is meant for log files that
are so big they need to be rotated _more_ than once/day.  This does not
apply to me...so I think my question remains unanswered:

If I delete my old log files, will Webalizer keep old monthly stats?  What
about yearly stats?  Should I keep log files around until the end of the
year?  Does it it even produce yearly stats?

I noticed that last months pages are untouched since the 1st of the month,
which leads me to beleive that they are NOT touched after the end of the


Chris Merrill
cmerrill at nc.rr.com

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