[TriLUG] stupid 'rm' question

Scott Chilcote scottchilcote at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 4 21:42:02 EDT 2003

Hi Chris,

To recursively delete all of the little buggers, the find command works 

Give the following a try, from the top level cvs directory:

    find . -name ".#*"

This will give you a list of the candidates for deletion.

To be extra safe, back up anything pending a commit.  Then,
to remove them, do the following:

    find . -name ".#*" -exec rm {} \;


Scott C.

Chris Merrill wrote:

> CVS leaves around these annoying .#filename.1.2.3 files all over
> the place...I'm trying to get rid of them.
> I tried:
> rm -rf .#*
>    did not work, although it worked on other wildcards (e.g. rm -rf *.java)
> rm -rf .[#]*
>    worked, but not recursively (only in the current folder)
> I could simply do this with a 'find' piped into a script with some
> simple search&replace, but it's driving me crazy that I can't do
> it with just 'rm'...
> BTW, I'm running this in CygWin :(
> any ideas?

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