[TriLUG] who moved my fmt?

Joseph Tate jtate at dragonstrider.com
Mon Aug 11 17:42:22 EDT 2003

you could do rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps --noscripts --oldpackage 

Or take the --force off the rpm -e line.  It looks like that version of 
RPM doesn't support force on the remove.


Maria Winslow wrote:

>>If you're sure that the rpm it's in is already installed but the
>>file isn't there, then this is one of the very few times when
>>the --force option of rpm is useful.  Try using that and see if
>>that works.
>Strangely, it's not accepting that syntax. I have RPM version 4.0.4. I have 
>also tried -F (--freshen) to no avail.
>Also, to the other suggestion involving installing an older package:
>[root at laptopLinux Current Installs]# rpm -e --nodeps --force --noscripts 
>rpm: only installation, upgrading, rmsource and rmspec may be forced
>Hmm... Ideas?

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