[TriLUG] Great article for Linux consultants - lots of great quotes

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Aug 21 22:18:48 EDT 2003

Rockin' on without Microsoft


"It's so funny--in three and half years, we went from being these idiots
that were thinking emotionally rather than businesslike...to now we're
smart and talking to tech guys. I know I saved $80,000 right away by
going to open source, and each time something like (Windows) XP comes
along, I save even more money because I don't have to buy new equipment
to run the software."

"It's like working in Windows. One of the analysts said it costs $1,250
per person to change over to open source. It wasn't anywhere near that
for us. I'm reluctant to give actual numbers. I can give any number I
want to support my position, and so can the other guy. But I'll tell
you, I'm not paying any per-seat license. I'm not buying any new

But there's a real argument now about total cost of ownership, once you
start adding up service, support, etc.

"What support? I'm not making calls to Red Hat; I don't need to. I think
that's propaganda...What about the cost of dealing with a virus? We
don't have 'em. How about when we do have a problem, you don't have to
send some guy to a corner of the building to find out what's going
on--he never leaves his desk, because everything's server-based. There's
no doubt that what I'm doing is cheaper to operate. The analyst guys can
say whatever they want."

"It shows how ridiculous it is that I can get press because I switched
to OpenOffice. And the reason why is because the myth has been built so
big that you can't survive without Microsoft, so that somebody who does
get by without Microsoft is a story. "

"It's just software. You have to figure out what you need to do within
your organization and then get the right stuff for that. And we're not a
backwards organization. We're progressive; we've won communications and
design awards...The fact that I'm not sending my e-mail through Outlook
doesn't hinder us. It's just kind of funny."

All the quotes are from Sterling Ball, CEO of Ernie Ball, the world's
leading maker of premium guitar strings.

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