Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Fri Aug 22 12:03:06 EDT 2003

I'm trying to set it up that I can XDMCP to my servers from my RHL 9 box
while running a IPTABLES firewall on the RHL 9 box. Now, if I stop
IPTABLES (/sbin/service iptables stop) I can connect using XDMCP (X :1
-query server.domain.name) fine. If I start it, it doesn't allow the
connection. I've tried the following while IPTABLES was started but it
didn't let me out. The port according to /etc/services is 177 TCP/UDP.

/sbin/iptables -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s 0/0 --destination-port 177:177

/sbin/iptables -A udp_inbound -p UDP -s 0/0 --destination-port 177:177

What have I missed?

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