[TriLUG] XFree86 problem on Debian: "Could not open default font 'fixed'"

Aaron Bockover abockover.trilug at aaronbock.net
Sun Aug 24 21:40:44 EDT 2003

I could probably back port, but when I had the sudden rush to build X, I
just grabbed the latest package from the XFree86 FTP site, which I think
was 4.3.1. However, this problem has occurred in older versions of X as
well, at least from what I've read throughout various newsgroups :-/

If I can't resolve this soon, I'll just rebuild it from older sources
and hope for the best.


On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 19:26, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Aaron Bockover wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I recently compiled XFree86 on Debian. The build went rather
> > smoothly, with a few minor dependency problems, but those were easy to
> > resolve. Once installed, I set up a basic XF86Config file, but am
> > getting the following error when trying to start X (through startx, and
> > xinit).
> This doesn't answer your question, but would it not be easier to use a X
> 4.3 backport to stable? Checking with apt-get.org shows a couple of
> sources.
>                                                                   Faheem.

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