[TriLUG] [Trilug-announce] BETA-testing TriLUG's new GForge site
Ed Hill
ed at eh3.com
Fri Sep 5 08:04:09 EDT 2003
Hi TriLUG-ers!
Its been some months since the early discussions about creating a
TriLUG-hosted "projects" site but the good news is that a number of
people including:
Jason Tower, Hunter Matthews, Ed Hill, Tanner Lovelace,
Jeremy Portzer, and helpful folks on TriLUG IRC
have managed to assemble a GForge-based site at:
The intent is to provide:
- a SourceForge-like collaborative development environment
primarily meant for and run by TriLUG members, and
- a chance for folks to learn about GForge
If you're a current TriLUG member and you're interested in hosting a
project (however small or un-started it may be at this point!) please
visit the site and follow the quick registration directions. Since this
is a "beta" period for us, we're asking that you please be patient with
us. And we're only approving projects that have at least one current
TriLUG member as a project leader.
If you're interested in learning more about GForge or becoming an admin
for the "TriFORGE" site, please contact us. I'll be happy to turn the
GForge install/setup/maintain notes into a "GForge on Red Hat 9 HOWTO"
Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office: MIT Dept. of EAPS; Room 54-1424; 77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
email: eh3 at mit.edu, ed at eh3.com
URL: http://web.mit.edu/eh3/
phone: 617-253-0098
fax: 617-253-4464
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