[TriLUG] ipv6/php warning

ryan wheaton ryan.wheaton at comcast.net
Mon Sep 8 11:48:43 EDT 2003

Hey y'all. 

I'm getting this warning on some of my php pages now.  I've looked 
around, and I can't find exactly where to "configure" IPV6.  I thought 
that this was just something that was compiled into the kernel?  I 
recently updated the kernel from  2.4.18-14 to 2.4.20-20.8 (from 
up2date).  I thought that IPV6 was compiled into all the 2.4 kernels, so 
I dont' understand why all of a sudden I'm getting this warning:

*Warning*:  file(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution (is your IPV6 configuration correct? If this error happens all the time, try reconfiguring PHP using --disable-ipv6 option to configure) in */usr/local/uidocs/test/file.html* on line *3*

*Warning*:  file(http://www.yahoo.com/): failed to open stream: Permission denied in */usr/local/uidocs/test/file.html* on line *3*

*Warning*:  Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in */usr/local/uidocs/test/file.html* on line *4*

every network setting that i can think of seems to be right.  Is there a 
way for me to disable IPV6 (or "configure" it?)


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