[TriLUG] Interesting shift in MS licensing pricing/policy
Mike Mueller
linux-support at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 17 12:23:02 EDT 2003
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 11:19, Jonathan Hassell wrote:
> What is YOUR recommendation for helping Windows 98 users keep updated?
> Let's think of ways we might all help out in this cause, because whether
> it's technically Microsoft's responsibility or not, we're all affected
> by worms.
> Now of course you may have your own reasons for not liking the tools
> Microsoft provides for updates, but I think it's a bit unfair to bash
> Microsoft at this point (in the past it was perfectly OK and even an
> enjoyable pastime) when they really *are* thinking of new ways to help
> people step up to the latest updates.
The auto industry did not voluntarily add seatbelts or airbags to their
products. Microsoft will not voluntarily make their stuff safer. The OSS
community does and has - obviously.
What would I like to see MS do? Use some of their enormous stash of cash to
create safe products. A guy can dream can't he?
I do not want to see any .gov regulation however. That would be an advantage
to commercial software because OSS could not pay for certifications.
I would welcome immediate Internet isolation for any IP address sending
malware attachments with a 30 day lead time for reconnection. It would shut
down the net but stuff would get fixed fast. (Yeah, I know it'll never
I would like to see OSS alternatives continue to get easier to use for the
average consumer. I would like to see more commercial applications for Linux
(TurboTax, QuickBooks, games). Some apps just can't be open source and be
good - at least not yet.
I OTOH think Microsoft should be bashed. They bash OSS every chance they
create. MS does _not_ have a live-and-let-live attitude towared OSS. They
are lobbying in Washington against OSS. Besides, I see no evidence that MS is
contrite and ready to a better job on security. They've had plenty of
opportunity to figure out this virus/worm problem. Their actions speak
louder than whatever marketing blather they spew.
MS can do better. Heck, they could even embrace Linux as Oracle has.
What will I do to try to help a W98 user stay updated? Nothing. I will help
them install and use RH, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, etc. I adore Debian's
"apt-get -u upgrade". I used it last night for the SSH upgrade. You add
http://security.debian.org to /etc/apt/sources.list, run "apt-get update",
then yo uare ready to stay up to date with security releases. You run
regular backups and you run regular upgrades. You run a text only MUA. You
run Mozilla Firebird. This is what I recommend to any and all MS OS users.
If you have an app that needs an MS-OS then vmware comes to the rescue
(there, a commercial app that runs on Linux).
I rest a little easier knowing the good MCSE crew out there will keep the
many instances of MS-OS updated and safe as best they can.
Mike Mueller
324881 (08/20/2003)
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