[TriLUG] How to recover erased files on an OSX drive

al johnson alfjon at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 17 22:35:43 EDT 2003

I have a friend who knows so much about Macs, that what he doesn't know 
literally isn't worth knowing.  Jimmy Harmon is an owner of Graphics Ink, 
which is a Graphics Art and Printing firm for several of the largest firms in 
RTP.  He loves Macs so much that whenever there is a new model, he just can't 
wait until he gets the newest models that Steve Jobs has created. His company 
even has an OSX server with 2 terabytes of RAID storage. So when I read 
Brian's question, I knew who should be the one to help.  Yes, this is OT (but 
I believe it's my first OT). Anyway, you might want to consider what he 
advises. --- Al Johnson


Re: [TriLUG] OT:MAC Data Recovery
From: Jimmy Harmon <jimmyh at graphicsink.com>
 To: al johnson <alfjon at mindspring.com>
 Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:36:50 -0400
Tell them to use mac os9 and Nortons. and quit screwing around where 
they don't belong.

Jimmy H

On Tuesday, September 16, 2003, at 02:45 AM, al johnson wrote:

>   I thought you might be interested in this story since it is ALMOST
> identical to your problem with Dean and Casy's wedding pictures. If 
> you have
> a solution for this problem I'd be happy to pass it along. ---AL
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Re: [TriLUG] OT:MAC Data Recovery
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 21:05:28 -0400
> From: Neil Roeth <neil at occamsrazor.net>
> To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list <trilug at trilug.org>
> On Sep 15, Brian Daniels (bitmage at bellsouth.net) wrote:
>>>   Good Morning,
>>>   I know this is very off topic so I will apologize now.
>>>   Recently I got married. My photographer used all digital to 
>>> photograph
>>> my wedding.
>>>   Somewhere along the line he has deleted my files. He runs a MAC 
>>> with
>>> OS X v 10.2
>>>   He is giving me his HD drive and I am going to try to recover the
>>> data.
>>>   My initial thought was to send off the drive to a data recovery
>>> specialist since I know nothing about MAC.
>>>   However, If I recall correctly, I think if I throw this in my Linux
>>> machine it will see the drive?
>> Under RedHat 8 I was unable to mount Mac HFS disks.  When I dug into 
>> the
>> problem, it appeared that the HFS driver had not been maintained and 
>> was
>> no longer compatible with the kernel.  I haven't tried it under RH9 
>> to see
>> if the situation has got any better.
> Try a 2.2 kernel.  About a year ago I was able to read a Mac floppy 
> using a
> 2.2 kernel with HFS enabled on a Debian box, after failing with a 2.4 
> kernel.
> --
> Neil Roeth
> --
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