[TriLUG] Enjoy upgrading all your SSH boxen to 3.7?

Kevin Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Wed Sep 17 22:41:04 EDT 2003

Jon Carnes <jonc at nc.rr.com> writes:
> Hay, it's "Open Source." Anyone can darn well install any version of
> OpenSSH they want. If they need hand holding, they can just wait or
> search for it on Freshmeat!

No arguments there. That's the beauty of open source. but having been
bit one having to upgrade openssl to get openssh to compile and then
finding that mod_ssl had to be recompiled...well, I really appreciate a

--         Kevin Sonney         --
--  ICQ: 4855069  AIM: ksonney  --
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 All glory to the Hypnotoad!
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