[TriLUG] Unable to boot RH9 linux after installation

Adalita Brown adalita at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 24 00:00:16 EDT 2003

Hi there,

I'm a newbie and just trying to get my RH9 linux to boot.  Installed RH9 on my laptop via hard drive installation method.  Upon installation, GRUB does not load up.  Only able to boot either W2K or DOS.  Is it possible for me to boot linux from DOS or via BootMagic?  My concern with BootMagic is if enabled it will be configured on the 1st sector of the hard drive where /boot currently resides.

More information:
1)  I have no floppy drive
2)  CD-ROM drive is not bootable.  I've tried changing the boot priority in BIOS but to no avail.
3)  Laptop is Compaq Armada 6500 series

Is there another way around to get into RH9 Linux without altering my existing OS configuration?  Otherwise, I may have to invest a floppy drive for my laptop.  Or, I may go to a local computer shop and rent a floppy drive? I kinda prefer not to spend the money in buying one :-(

Any suggestions?


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