[TriLUG] how to find what's been swapped

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Fri Oct 10 15:15:35 EDT 2003

On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 01:11:51PM -0400, Scott Lundgren wrote:
> How can I find which process have been moved off to swap space? I know that
> in `top` processes in stat "SW" have been swapped out, and that 'm' will
> show me the same information from 'free' that in fact something is using
> swap. However since top doesn't seem to allow you sort by process state, I'm
> wondering about other methods.

Using procps in Debian [Sid] allows you to sort based on process state or
swap space consumption.

ii  procps         3.1.12-1       The /proc file system utilities

I'm not entirely sure whether other distributions use the identical fork
of procps.

Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
GPG key:   www.sh.nu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc
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