[TriLUG] modifying network settings on RedHat 9??
Matthew Lavigne
maillist at shenandoahkennels.net
Sat Nov 29 19:15:57 EST 2003
On Saturday 29 November 2003 16:40, prhodes at vdsinc.com wrote:
> Never mind, I see what my mistake was now. Looks like it's
> actually /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-* I need
> to worry about. That and/or
> /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/ifcfg-*.
> Which leads to my next question... what's this profile business all about?
> Is there
> a quick and easy way already available to have different network
> configurations
> and switch back and forth between them? If so, how would you tell it to
> switch from one to the other?
Yes there is an easier way...
in the redhat-config-network tool create 2 profiles. (call them home and
work.) The next step is to copy eth0 and rename them to eth0work & eth0home.
Now the tricky part... (it may not make sense but it works)
Associate the home profile with the eth0home and then on the profile menu
change to default ( it will ask you to save the changes say "yes") then
change the profile to work and associate the profile with eth0work and again
change to the default and save changes....
Othere things to do set up the eth0home and eth0work as you need them and
save all changes. Make sure that the profile only have one checkbox in it
that is checked... ie profile home has the eth0home checkbox checked.
Now from the commandline you can change them on the fly using the command
redhat-config-network-cmd. Do a man on it to get the syntax. If you go this
route let me know and I will dump a script that you can modify to get it
Finally if you are running RH9 then you will also need to upgrade to the
redhat-config-network and redhat-config-network-tui packages that ship with
Fedora as the ones that went out with RH9 are extremely buggy.
Matthew Lavigne
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