[TriLUG] once in a lifetime - Jason Tower speaks at Triangle NT Users Group on Tuesday (no, he didn't defect - he is speaking on Linux)

Ilan Volow listboy at clarux.com
Mon Dec 8 05:30:25 EST 2003

On Sunday, December 7, 2003, at 09:47  AM, Ed Hill wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 09:16, Jim Ray wrote:
>> well, since we're talking about jason, i might as well go on and 
>> invite
>> interested parties to hear him speak to triangle nt users group on 
>> tuesday.
>> no, he did not defect.  he is speaking on linux.  all interested 
>> parties are
>> welcome to attend.  details appended.
> Well, not quite everybody -- see below.
> [*snip* -- long announcement trimmed]
>> About
>> Our group has represented the local area group of the top tier of 
>> system
>> administrators and network engineers for the most highly-respected
>> businesses in this region since 1995.   Our membership is free to all
>> interested computer professionals; however, our membership is 
>> restricted
>> only to professionals (no hobbyists).  We request yet do not require 
>> that
> <sarcasm type="friendly" >
>   Good move!  Hobbyists are *awful* critters.  You know, those really
>   annoying sorts who work on computers just because they love them.
>   It would be simply degrading if such goof-balls were allowed to
>   hobnob with the serious professionals.  You have to keep them at
>   arm's length.
> </sarcasm>

<sarcasm xmlns="http://thhhhhhbbppt.com" parent="edhill"  

Damn straight. Let the professionals get their important work done, 
while hobbyists do silly stuff like write the linux kernel and invent 
the Apple I


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