[TriLUG] Serving Java Apps via Apache

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Wed Dec 10 08:51:42 EST 2003

On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 07:59, STaylor at srspos.com wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I have a problem with setting up apache to serve a java app inside a
> browser window.
> I have apache ver 1.3.26 running on my system.  
> However the java applet doesn't load. So I have spent the last week or
> so looking around and I think I need a server-side support package for
> java within apache. However it looks like there are more than one
> package I can use. I have looked at Jakarta/Tomcat and Jserv from
> Apache.
> Am I on the right track?

No, you're not.  Jserv, Tomcat, et. al are for writing Java Server Page
(jsp) files, which are applications to be run by the server.  From your
description you are not writing JSP applications but instead trying to
deploy a client-side Java applet.  Java applets are run inside the 
client's browser if the Java plugin is installed.  They are delivered by
the web server just like any other static HTML file, or image.  The web
server could be Apache or Tux or NCSA or anything -- as long as it can
send out a file, it will work fine.

Most likely you need to check the client browser configuration to make
sure the Java plugin is properly set up.  I suggest testing from a
Windows client first, because the Java plugin is pretty easy to install
in IE, whereas Mozilla on Linux has its headaches depending on what
version of mozilla and the Java plugin.


| Jeremy Portzer        jeremyp at pobox.com      trilug.org/~jeremy     |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |
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