[TriLUG] Knoppix 3.3 HELP PLEASE

Michael Hrivnak mhrivnak at triad.rr.com
Sat Jan 3 19:52:14 EST 2004

I am currently running Knoppix 3.3 because my hard drive died yesterday.  I 
must say that Knoppix is quite an adequate substitute while I wait for a 
replacement drive!

There is a purple icon with a penguin on it next to the KDE menu button in the 
bottom-left corner of the screen which gives you the Knoppix menu.  The last 
option in that menu is "Root Shell".

Not to mention, in a user shell, the simple command "su" will give you root 

These should allow you to edit anything you want while Knoppix is running so 
you can stick to booting from the CD.

It has always baffled me why people who want to install a distro on their hard 
drive don't stick to distros that are meant for the hard drive.  Were there 
other motivating reasons for you besides root access?  Does anyone else have 
a story to share of why they installed a "live" linux distro on hard drive?  
I'm quite curious.

Michael Hrivnak

P.S. Knoppix 3.3 has been out about a month an a half. ;)

On Sunday 04 January 2004 12:08 am, Wolf Sherrod wrote:
> What's up?
>  I have used Knoppix 3.3 about 3 or 4 months now, and I have just booted
> from the cd-rom on alot of different computers I have. It works great and
> "EVERYTHING" works.  But I wanted to edit my Conf. files (Samba,Httpd,etc.)
> but as you know "NO ROOT PASSWORD" oh well I just went ahead and did the
> hardrive install. It went great and it rebooted off the hard drive, went
> straight to the logon screen and I logged on to X-Windows (KDE)  Everything
> work and looks great "ONE PROBLEM" I now have not got any network,(Just
> localhost) I can't get on the net or anything .I can't ping my other
> machines or nothing.  Any suggestions or Ideas i can check or look for??
> i'm using a Linskys NC100 Networks Everywhere network Card that uses the
> "Tulip" driver(module).  I just tried Debian 3.1 for the 4th time with the
> basic CD-ROM (185mb) and I can get it installed and reboot but I can't ever
> get to X-Windows .  I pick X-windows during install but, I don't even think
> it installs it.  Also it has not reconized any of the network cards I have
> used during install , so I can't do the "NET-INSTALL" oh well I got one
> P.C. running Windows Server 2003, (1) "Box" running Fedora(Redhat) and (1)
> "Box" runnig Mandrake-Linux 9.2!!!! They all are networked together with a
> Linksys Router, and i can transfer files between them just fine using
> "Samba"  Any help on the Knoppix Network(internet connection) would be
> appreciated.  Have a Great day!!! P.S For a good laugh go to my web page.
>                                      "Linux Rocks"
>                               Wolf S.

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