[TriLUG] Fedora and WBEL issue with xhost

Greg Brown gregbrown at mindspring.com
Thu Jan 8 11:35:05 EST 2004

X oddities of the day.  I am running WBEL on my desktop at work, Mark 
is running Fedora Core 1, and we've both seen a most interesting 
problem.  We were both trying to receive X session from other machines 
via the old "xhost +" method yet it simply does not work on either WBEL 
or Fedora if WBEL or FC1 is the machine receiving the X session (i.e. 
the sending machine says "can't connect... etc" and the X that was sent 
never appears).  The IP addresses were set correctly from the machine 
sending the X sessions but it appears that xhost isn't listening, or 
something like that.

I was more-or-less able to verify this by booting my WBEL box in 
Knoppix then issuing the xhost + command from Knoppix.  Without making 
any configuration changes to the source machine I was able to receive 
an X session.

It should be noted, however, that I was able to push X stuff, in this 
case xclock, to another desktop (RH 8.0 in this case) so sending X 
across a network seems to be okay, it's just receiving X that seems to 
be broken.


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