[TriLUG] Slightly OT: Are there Really Quiet Computer Case Fans?

William Sutton william at trilug.org
Mon Jan 19 14:15:49 EST 2004

I can see definite advantages to storing it in your basement (if it's a 
home system) including the fact that heat rises, so it should keep your 
floors warm :)

Unfortunately for me I have a 2 br apartment, so I've just learned to live 
with the noise.  In fact, when the systems are off, it sounds too quiet 
(the whole background noise thing).

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, John Franklin wrote:

> On Jan 19, 2004, at 2:17 AM, William Sutton wrote:
> > Real men get used to helicopter fans running 24x7 :)  I don't know what
> > I'd do if my PC wasn't humming along...probably check and see if I had 
> > a
> > power outage on my hands.
> >
> > (On topic)  Putting the system in the closet and using VNC seems the
> > simplest and most foolproof solution to me.  In any case, I have one
> > system with a couple loud fans, one with very quiet fans, and (a dell)
> > with no fans at all, so quiet fans aren't a complete myth.
> If you're lucky enough to have a basement, that's a great place for 
> machines.  They're colder than the rest of the house, have plenty of 
> power, and a concrete floor where you could bolt a rack.  Who cares 
> about quiet fans?  You could have one that sounds like a leaf blower or 
> a chain saw and not hear it.
> Of course, you'll never hear your drive start to fail, either.
> jf

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