[TriLUG] TriLUG monthly meetings, presentations, archives???

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at wayfarer.org
Tue Jan 20 16:00:07 EST 2004

Turnpike Man wrote:
> All,
> Lately, work has been keeping me from attending TriLUG's monthly meetings. 
> Some of the presentations, like the recent MythTV and the VoIP I have really
> wanted to attend, but have been unable.  I want to spur the interest in having
> our meetings archived... for posterity sake, for the community at large and for
> members who can't make the meetings.  I'm not sure what method the archive
> should be done, but I have some suggested ideas.  How to make it all come
> together and have the archives stored in the members area of our website is to
> be seen!
> Any thoughts on this?  Thanks!

Or, we could make the material in the meetings a perk for those
members who show up?

Now, that might sound like a flip answer, but step back and consider
it for a bit.  TriLUGs has a limited amount of resources.  We
tend to expend those resources arranging good speakers and good
topics for our monthly meetings.  So far, those resources haven't
included recording an event, except in one case, and even in that
case, the editing still hasn't been done (mainly because it's
been held up by missing audio... Mark, got that audio track
converted to MP3 yet?).  So, I think it's safe to say that
currently we don't have the resources to do something like
what you're suggesting.  If someone, however, wants to take the
initiative and put something like this together, including everything
you need to do to get things in a format that can be distributed,
I don't think anyone would oppose it.  You'd need to work out
beforehand with the individual speakers and get their ok, but
that's just part of what needs to be done.

Alternatively, we do generally ask our presenters if they will
at the very least make their slides and notes available on the net,
but you can only convey so much that way.

So, David, I think you're going to have to make a choice.  If you
want this to happen, you're either going to have to do it yourself,
or convince someone else to.  If it works out, great!  Good luck.

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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Have we sent the "Don't shoot, we're pathetic" transmission yet?
                                 Commander John Crichton (Farscape)
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