[TriLUG] Re: voip

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Feb 19 11:10:59 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 10:37, elfick wrote:
> Jon Carnes wrote:
> >If you noticed during the demo I gave, there was some skipping on the
> >voicemail prompts - it wasn't too bad, but if I had been using a SCSI
> >disk subsystem instead of IDE, there wouldn't have been any skips.
> >  
> >
> Given enough memory, would it be possible to load these into a ramdisk 
> or something, or are they too large to make that feasible?

Definitely doable.  It's just wav files, so if you have enough RAM, then
go for it. I so the same thing for some other applications that require
faster I/O from the disk subsystem and RAM disks work great... and RAM
is cheap!

Just be sure to copy it off to your real disk every few minutes.

Jon Carnes

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