[TriLUG] March 8 meeting - Don't forget!

Frye, Matthew Matthew.Frye at rexhealth.com
Fri Mar 5 10:32:53 EST 2004

Don't forget!

Topic: Fedora vs. RHEL
Speaker: Jeremy Hogan, Community Relations Manager, Red Hat, Inc.  
7:00 p.m., Monday, 8 March 2004
Dreyfus Auditorium
Research Triangle Institute
Research Triangle Park, NC

Abstract: System administrators should think about Fedora as a technology
incubator, preview of upcoming code, advanced test bed. When considering
Fedora vs. RHEL, system administrators don't have to think of the decision
as one or the other.  

Bio:  Jeremy Hogan has been with Red Hat for over three years, starting in
install support, moving to high level support and services for companies
Amazon, AOL, Pixar and HP, before moving to marketing. When not on tour
spreading the good word, Jeremy spends most of his time in newsgroups,
mailing lists and on IRC getting the crap flamed out of him while trying
to make sure more people like Red Hat than hate it. Slashdot karma?

Please note: The meeting time has been changed to 7pm.  If you plan to
arrive early, please do not come before 6:30pm.  Also, only NC*SA Steering
Committee members are authorized to call security regarding locked doors,
etc.  Please respect the time of other meetings that may precede us.   -
Matt Frye, Chairman, Steering Committee.  

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