[TriLUG] making a case for oracle9i on linux
Don Jerman
djerman at pobox.com
Fri Mar 5 19:33:16 EST 2004
Hash: SHA1
Oracle 9iAS is the application server. It's essentially Apache with
some custom modules and adjunct daemons to provide cacheing and PL/SQL
support. I agree, it's a fragile puppy.
9i database server is about the same on Linux as on any Unix install.
FWIW I'm facing some of this too. We're looking at on AS 2.1,
or Windows 2003. 2003 is somewhat more efficient than 2000, but we
haven't got to performance testing yet, we're still cooking up the
install procedures. And no, I won't share the figures, Oracle has a
no benchmarking clause.
In our case (and maybe yours) the issue is that we have a (semi)
mature Windows administration practice. We don't have a robust Unix
practice yet. I need to show that the Linux talent we have can make
the servers 'just go' before we'll be totally comfortable switching
over. Never mind that the Windows servers are also new and untested... :)
Ryan Leathers wrote:
| I know its not what you are asking for, but here is my 2 cents.
| Over the past few months I have had experience putting Oracle9i/AS
| on several big IBM SMP hosts running RHEL2.1. I have been very
| dissatisfied with the complexity of the installations. The 9iAS on
| RHEL is also way too fragile for my liking. Performance is nice,
| but it would be a tough sell to get me to do this again. Its hard
| to find the value in commercial products over open source when the
| vendor support is awful, the installation is kludgey, and the
| documentation is wrong.
| On the other hand, I wouldn't be eager to run anything thats
| mission critical on W2K either.
| On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 11:27, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:
|> On Friday 05 March 2004 10:15 am, Tom Le wrote:
|>> Hello, I need help making a case for installing oracle9i on
|>> linux (redhat AS) to microsoft-friendly upper management.
|>> Management was not convinced that running oracle on linux was
|>> better than on w2k, even after I showed them the benchmark test
|>> done by Roby Sherman
|>> (http://www.interealm.com/technotes/roby/pentmark.html). I
|>> guess they are just afraid of changing from windows to linux.
|>> I am needing more convincing evidence/arguments for oracle
|>> on linux as against oracle on w2k. Please help me persuade
|>> management to shut the doors to oracle on W2k!
|>> Thanks, Tom
|> I believe that Oracle is not advertising anymore Oracle on
|> Windows. And, IIRC, Oracle is leaving Oracle-Win platform
|> completely, as for Oracle means way too much loss of money (too
|> many support calls that eat the profits.)
|> So, Windows + Oracle is a legacy (or going-to-be legacy)
|> platform.
|> Oracle and Red Hat have had a strong partnership for a while now.
|> Wall Street is a heavy user of O+RH combo.
|> If Wall Street trusts O+RH, why not you?
|> Salut, Sinner -- Visit my website! http://www.ibiblio.org/sinner/
|> Running on Mandrake Linux 9.2 - Kernel 2.4.22-10mdksmp Linux
|> User # 89976
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