[TriLUG] automated Audio processing in Linux

William R. Gomeringer pihlopase at pihlopase.net
Mon Mar 22 17:30:57 EST 2004

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There is a sound utility for backing up and restoring old vinyl recordings 
called gramofile. It's quite possible that he is using that. Along with 
Audacity you have a powerful suite for ripping records to mp3/ogg. I don't 
believe either of these programs has the ability to do what you want, Jeremy. 
If I understand correctly you are looking for something that will record 
audio unattended, or record audio when it encounters something other than 
white noise. You need something to "trip' the record function when it hears 
non-white noise and shut off when it encounters only white-noise. You could 
always do what Marty suggested and just record a continuous stream and strip 
out the white noise. I think that would be far easier. You could also have a 
look at the Linux Audio pages: 

Might be something there.


On Monday 22 March 2004 05:12 pm, Marty Ferguson wrote:
> Jeremy
> My dad has been using a linux utiltiy to archive his collection of old LPs.
> It is able to locate the tracks, and identifies them via the dead space
> between them.  He's using a fairly recent SuSE distro.
> Therefore i think this is how you could treat captured radio files too.
> I don't know what utility he's using, but it has a fairly
> simple non-graphical menu interface, which at a minimum you
> could use tcl/expect to drive, and perhaps may have a batch/script
> interface.  I think this is going to be really simple to solve.
> If I were to describe the processing, I would change your written
> requirements
> to read thus:
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